Pamiętacie naszych specjalnych Gości zza oceanu? Andi i Josh nie tylko odpowiedzą na Wasze pytania i zdradzą tajemnice wydawnicze 😉 ale także poprowadzą dla Was sesje! Oto ich program:
[Sesja Andi] Arancia: Don’t Drink the Water!
A typical Arancian village has been overcome with an ailment. Can you and your fellow Heroes find the cause and save the residents. Welcome to a new setting for Earthdawn- Arancia: The Dusklands
[Sesja Josh] Treasure Hunt
An old Troubadour song points to a legendary treasure in a forgotten temple. Can you figure out the clues and navigate the corruption at the edge of the Badlands? (You aren’t the only ones looking, either…)
[Prelekcja Andi i Josh] Not Just Another Dungeon Crawl
Killing stuff in an RPG is fun, but sometimes you want a little… more. Let’s talk about other kinds of challenges & how to bring them into your game.
[Spotkanie Andi i Josh] Secret mission
We have captured Josh and Andi from the Earthdawn team. We’re invite you to help us interrogate them to discover FASA’s Earthdawn future plans. They have both been secretive, but with your help we are sure that done secrets will be learned.
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